Saturday, May 14, 2005

A gray life

why is it that people has to suffer from this feeling of nothingness? why is it that we tend to have this eventhough we don't want it to?
sometimes it really sucks to feel this way...hmm...i'm glad my day is over...i hope tomorrow will be very much different...
i wish something good will happen tomorrow...i wish something nice will happen that will change my life...i hope and i pray...

Friday, May 13, 2005

What A life

Nothing special happend...just the same old school day...
Still lucky i guess coz my professor didn't came to class, we're suppose to have an exma...what a relief, i wasn't able to study hehehehe...
i hope to have better ideas today on what to do...

"God and Goddess hear my plea,
Bring to me this day I see.
Hear these words the ones I say,
And let me have a wonderful day.
May it be good and never bad,
May it be a happy day and not a sad.
I ask of you this very hour,
Maketh this true with your divine power.
As the candles burn bright and shine,
Bring upon this day of mine.
God and Goddess hear my plea,
Bring to me this day I see,
So mote it be"