Thursday, March 02, 2006

Computer Jargons it is...haha

I found these three silly computer jargons on the internet:

1. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. Rule of thumb for software designers and network administrators - to minimize dispersion and error proneness, keep your designs small.
2. RTFM - Read The Fucking Manual. Common answer to basic and often repeated questions, that could be avoided in the first place just by looking at the manual.
3. STFW - Search The Fucking Web. Common answer to basic and often repeated questions, that could be avoided in the first place just by searching for an answer on the web.

Because i got nothing to do this morning, i just surfed the web and found those jargons. hehehe I never knew that there were such jargons like those for real hahahaha!! its too informal! hahaha!! i wish to hear those lines sometimes.

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