Monday, March 06, 2006

More in Sorrow than in Anger...

Have you ever been in a situation wherein you have this feeling that you like this stranger although you haven't met this stranger personally and moreover you just came from a break up? Is it just a rebound thing or the saying: "someday someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else..". I know its too fast to feel love for someone else after a break up but liking someone is possible...

In my life, i've learned that a wound inflicted by love takes time to heal and eventhough it is healed already, there will always be this scar that's left behind that will always remind us of the wound...

Veniam Petimusque Damusque time goes by our heart tends to grow more in sorrow than in anger...thats the life of love for me...God may give you a sign for that someone you asked for but there's no assurance that you will have a happy ending...God didn't gave you that person because He wanted to hurt you but He wanted you to learn something from that person... God is so magnificent and special coz you'll never thought of these twists in the first place...I didn't expected this when He gave me the one i was asking for, i thought it will be a happy life but to my surprise He made it happend to end that way... im in no position to question His blessings, i consider all of it a blessing coz if not for those blessings i will not be the person i am today... It has been a week or so since it happend, all those days i kept it within me...put up my guard so that no one can see my bleeding heart, but i came to realize that i can't heal it myself alone, i need to unveil it so that someone will be able to see it and help me heal it. Im not hypocrite to say that im not hurting inside hurts...a lot...but like a river no matter how rocky the path is, there will always be a calm and serene sea waiting at the end... =_^-

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